GayPoRn tumblr


I love men and all things porn....

January 1, 2010
15 notes

January 1, 2010
14 notes

January 1, 2010
2 notes

fuckyeahsodomites: tatcha: Erwin Olaf, We Fight, We Dance campaign for the Nederlands Dans Theater the pandorian



Erwin Olaf, We Fight, We Dance campaign for the Nederlands Dans Theater

the pandorian

Reblogged from fuckyeahsodomites on January 1, 2010
36 notes

goatees: David Darnot


David Darnot

Reblogged from goatees on January 1, 2010
19 notes

goatees: what a hottie  David Darnot sjoe!


what a hottie  David Darnot


Reblogged from goatees on January 1, 2010
16 notes

January 1, 2010
6 notes

January 1, 2010
42 notes

Reblogged from fixator on January 1, 2010
28 notes

January 1, 2010
12 notes

January 1, 2010
11 notes

Ok that’s it, I am not one to confess this shit but I would prefer hanging on tumblr than twitter and facebook shit as well

(via fixator)

Reblogged from fixator on December 29, 2009
3 notes

December 29, 2009
10 notes

December 29, 2009
22 notes

Reblogged from ganymede on December 29, 2009
15 notes

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